You are here: Home Photography Section

Introduction to the section

In this section their would be a lot of articles written on photography and you'll be able to blog your point of view, if article(s) seems to draw your attention towards itself. You can even create your own articles "UNDER MY SUPERVISION" by our new feature, once you're Registered :-

If the Image is worthy enough to be uploaded, an article will be generated automatically within few minutes and you'll be notified easily on the Navigation bar on the left hand side under this section.

After Registering, you can also tell us whatever you expect. Once you click and share your point of view through "So what do you expect?" you'll become a part of the chain of communication where you'll share a lot of ideas among others. All the articles regarding photography would be found here and once done with a particular article you can easily swap amongst various articles. It can be done by clicking on the next and previous buttons provided at the bottom of these conversations. Example the floating button :-

Click on this button provided in the bottom of the conversation to move to the dummy article demonstrating the way this section's going to work.

Comments (4)

Sofia Arora Oct 30, 2011 06:13 PM
A very nice website!!
Sumeet Wilkhu Oct 30, 2011 06:17 PM
Thank you Sofia..!! :-)
Dhruva Sood Nov 09, 2011 12:28 PM
i didnt quite understand the use of the site...!! it is very different and looks interesting...!! if sm1 can explain me the use.... :))
Sumeet Wilkhu Nov 09, 2011 06:49 PM
Hey Dhruva,
The Idea Behind this website comes from a casual conversation b/w me and my brothers...
As we all know that we as human beings expect a lot from day to day life situations.
But sometimes when that happens, our judgment might not lead to right direction...So to clarify yourself, we give you an opportunity to know What people expect from it. The website's still in Beta Stage, so keep yourself Updated and Keep "Expecting". :-)
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  • Disclaimer: All pictures on the website are generated and owned by its users. If you think any of your pictures were used without your consent then send a link with an explanation to me and we will change or remove the same. ©2011, All Rights Reserved